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Governance is the system and structures an organization uses to control its general operations, programs and activities. These systems and structures allow BC Hockey to:

  1. Hold the Board of Directors to account
  2. Promote fairness and transparency
  3. Support stewardship and integrity
  4. Engage members and stakeholders

Governance systems and structures provide the means by which BC Hockey; makes decisions, pursues mandates and goals, delivers programs and services, and meets legal standards.

At the 2012 Annual General Meeting BC Hockey Members tasked the BC Hockey to review its Program Structure. At the 2013 AGM BC Hockey Members tasked the organization to review the BC Hockey Executive Structure. To do so a Governance Review Committee was appointed to lead the way in the development of a new Program and BC Hockey structure.

In satisfying the mandate to review and produce a product we are confident will progress the organization, the Review Committee intended to be candid throughout the process and put an emphasis on communicating with BC Hockey members. This web page is a part of this vision.