For Immediate Release
December 13, 2021
Saanichton, BC – The health and success of Female Hockey in B.C and Yukon is of great importance to BC Hockey, and our Female Hockey Model has been designed to help ensure that.
So, what are the these resources and opportunities that we speak of? Well, let us tell you!
Meet the Zone Leads
What is a Zone Lead? BC Hockey wants to ensure that you always have help and support during your season, and we felt that having someone within your zone to help answer your questions and provide guidance would be a great resource for all Female coaches and managers. Do you want to know how to get involved with female hockey? How about if there are any funding opportunities? Need to get more information on female recruitment? Hit up your Zone Lead and they can answer your question or will look into getting you the information.
We feel so incredibly fortunate to have these individuals within the Zone Leads. They are champions of the Female game and are there to help make the game better for all. Let’s meet them!
Female Hockey Coordinator
Jen Loewen
North Female Lead
Theresa Philips
Lower Mainland Female Zone Lead
Chris Burns
Vancouver Island
Laurie Wishart
Okanagan Female Zone Lead
Val Kloska
Eask Kootenay Female Zone Lead
Jenn Stevens
West Kootenay Female Zone Lead
Michael Conci
Get with the Program
We want you all to know about the programs that we have available for Female Hockey. These programs provide opportunities to future and current players to either get into the game or to partake in more experiences within it. Let’s check out what is still available for this season!
Let’s get 5-12-year-olds on the ice and have some fun! Jamborees are a great chance for players to get on the ice, meet new people, receive some top end coaching and have so much fun! Do you know that BC Hockey will cover the cost of a jamboree in each Zone every year? Seriously, we will cover the cost. That makes it free. Who doesn’t love free? Do you want to set up a jamboree for your Zone? Reach out to your Zone Lead and find out today if the funding is available in your Zone.
There are a couple of Jamborees already on the docket that will provide a great opportunity, more to come in the next few days on social media
A Great Start to the Season
Also, don’t forget there are also several great programs to get help remove the barriers from Females joining hockey. Although these programs are finished for this season make sure to remember their availability going into next year:
Giving Back to the Game
Do you have any former players that are looking to get back involved in a coaching or mentorship role? We can help with that too. We offer programs that can help cover costs for individuals wanting to get involved in Female Hockey. These programs include:
Esso Fun Day programs are designed to familiarize beginners to hockey with basic skills in a fun, positive and welcoming environment at no cost to the first-time participant. It enables participants to become contributing members of a team effort, experience team spirit, develop self-confidence and experience a sense of achievement.
New Female Coaches – Participant Assessment
For the 2021-22 Season any new female coach that is rostered to a team will have their participant assessment fee covered by BC Hockey. This initiative is to recruit more female coaches into the game. This is a win-win!
Respect in Sport – Keeping Girls in Sport Certification
The first 500 coaches that are female or coaching a female team have the opportunity to take the Keeping Girls in Sport – Respect in Sport Program at no cost. A code will be sent out to all those rostered to a team for the 2021-22 season, this certification will be linked to your Hockey Canada Registry Profile.
Coach Education and Professional Development
In 2022 BC Hockey will bring together coaches together to attend webinar on various topics within hockey. There will be various topics in the coming months around leadership, strength and conditioning, skill development, etc.
More detailed information coming out on these programs in the coming weeks. If you cannot wait until then, you can always reach out to your Zone Lead to get more information today!
The future of Female Hockey is dependent on the building of a solid foundation today. We hope these resources help you and your MHA grow the game and have some fun! Any questions make sure to reach out to your Zone Lead.