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December 1, 2022

For Immediate Release  

Saanichton, B.C. – The BC Hockey Nominating Committee would like to invite all interested individuals to put forth their application for nomination for the BC Hockey Board of Directors. In 2023, four seats will become available.

The BC Hockey Board provides strategic leadership and direction, financial oversight, and fiduciary duties to BC Hockey and our membership, in regard to plans and policies. The Board of Directors develops a clear strategic direction with the members being the top priority, initiates and reviews policies, engages in evaluation of the organization, and enhances its governance capacity.

The search to fill the positions on the Board is led by the Nominating Committee, which is an independent group of volunteers with experience across different sporting and community organizations. They are responsible maximizing the number of qualified and skilled candidates for Board election that are capable and committed to providing effective policy governance and leadership.

Ensuring diversity throughout the Board of Directors is of the utmost importance for the Nominating Committee. This not only means diversity of age, background, and experience, candidates must also display a commitment to fun, integrity, teamwork and excellence, which are BC Hockey’s core values.

If you are interested in joining the BC Hockey Board of Directors, please complete THIS FORM.

Please see below for a timeline of the nominations process:

  • March 12, 2023 – Deadline for candidate nominations
  • March 27, 2023 – Preliminary list of candidates circulated
  • April 11, 2023 – Final call for nominations
  • April 26, 2023 – Finalized slate circulated
  • June 10, 2023 – BC Hockey AGM and Board elections

The Nominating Committee has developed a list of Frequently Asked Questions surrounding the BC Hockey Board of Directors which can be accessed HERE
