Para Hockey
Getting Started

Para Hockey (also known as sledge hockey) is an innovative team sport that incorporates that same rules and strategies as 'stand-up' ice hockey. Players sit on specially designed sleds with skate blades under the seat and use (2) sticks to pass, stick handle, shoot, propel and maneuver their sleds.
Para Hockey Programs
Lower Mainland
The City of Vancouver and the City of Surrey offer drop-in programming. Please contact SportAbility for more details.
Greater Victoria
Registered and drop-in programming is available at the Juan de Fuca Arena. Contact Victoria Sledge Hockey Club for more information.
Prince George
The Northern Adapted Sports Association offers registered and drop-in programming at Kin Arena.
The vision of the Kamloops Adapted Sports Association is to be a leader in providing adapted and integrated sport opportunities in Kamloops and the Thompson-Nicola Regional District.
BC Hockey has acquired a number of sleds and sticks for utilization in various sledge hockey programs throughout the province. These sleds are adjustable and come in a variety of sizes to accommodate all athletes. Minor Hockey Associations and community groups who are interested in borrowing the equipment for a "Try It" event should fill out the application.
If you have any questions about para hockey or the equipment loan program, please email